Retention & Retainers
What Is Retention ?

Retainer Types

Hawley Retainers
Hawley retainers are a thin, tongue-shaped piece of acrylic molded to fit your mouth. They have a wire that holds your teeth in position. It is simple, durable and easily removed. It's even possible to personalize it by choosing different colors and designs for the plastic arch. It can also be adjusted to correct minor footh movements.

Clear Essix Retainers
Our clear plastic retainer is called a Clear essix retainer. These retainers are custom-made of thin, transparent plastic which is designed to fit precisely over your teeth. Their main advantage is that they're invisible, with no wire to show. These retainers are also easy to remove, but may be somewhat less durable than Hawleys.

Permanent Retainers
Permanent retainers are fixed and bonded to the teeth (see image). Usually, they are bonded to the lower front teeth, but if conditions are right, they can also be bonded to the upper front teeth. As their name implies, they aren't removable. This type of retainer is recommended when there's a high risk that teeth could revert to their former position.

Retainer Care
Maintaining & Retaining Your Retainer
To stay fresh and germ-free, all retainers need proper cleaning. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to gently brush a Hawley-type retainer and Clear essix retainers. can be brushed gently with a regular toothbrush. Denture cleaners, in powder or tablet form, can be used to clean most removable retainers. Fixed retainers are cleaned by brushing and flossing; a floss threader or interproximal brush can also be a helpful cleaning tool when needed.
Retainer Storage